The story is explored through the perspectives of four controllable main characters who each have a stake in catching the Origami Killer. Story: The story of Heavy Rain involves the hunt for a serial killer known as the Origami Killer, who kidnaps kids, drowns them, and then leaves them on a piece of wasteland with a piece of origami in their hand and an orchid on their chest. This interactive drama/thriller video game for the PS3 is quite different than the 'shoot-em-up' video games. In Heavy Rain on the PlayStation 3, the hunt is on for the so-called Origami Killer, providing an emotionally engaging thrill-ride, from start to finish. Origami makes it to the video game world in the form of a killer.
See how to beat Chapter 2 - Lexington Station. Watch the full video walkthrough to see what happens, and how to continue on. This level of Heavy Rain has you in the Lexington Station, where hopefully you can make it through the crowd without embarrassing yourself.